Friday, March 23, 2007

More Alaska...

Since all I've done on the knitting front in the past few weeks are a few scarves... I figured I'd post more Alaska pics :) (wish I had one of me on the snowmachine...)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


I know it's been a while.. but I figured I should post some pics of Alaska for you all to see. First is me up in Fairbanks at the Ice Park. I was a bit big for the maze, but managed a pic of me in the exit. BTW... it was -18 degrees up there... and yes I did go swimming!

This guy won first place in the single ice block contest. The weather was so cold that some of the "ice glue" didn't hold, and he lost an antena.

He's a resident at the Seward Sea Life Center. Aren't those colors great????

And finally... why I was standing outside in -20 degree weather with 20 mph winds... please don't enlarge the pic, it's a bit fuzzy...