Thursday, October 18, 2007

Blogger Bingo

Okay, I've given up on Rogue. It's going to be WAY too warm to wear it. I still want to finish it this weekend, and will probably bring it with me. I still need to sew in the sleeves.

So, for those playing blogger bingo and trying to find me.

Rainy weather: hiking boots, black nylon rain pants, blue nylon rain jacket, baseball cap with a bright pink hand on it. Green backpack may or may not be hidden under the jacket.

No rain, but mud: hiking boots, jeans, sorry no distinctive shirts, green backpack.

No rain, no mud: tevas with either my jaywalkers or monkeys, jeans, green backpack.

If it's chilly, I might have my new fingerless gloves on. If it's really chilly, I may have my Lady Elanor on as a scarf.