Friday, August 10, 2007

Yarn Pr0n Friday - SCORE!

Yes, this was a yarn score. I recently moved to Philly and quickly discovered Rosie's Yarn Cellar. The first knit night I went to there, they had a basket of $5 angora and cashmere. The skeins in the basket were the display skeins and a bit beat up but otherwise fine. I bought two angora and two cashmere. Of course, there was only one of each colour (who needs to display two of the same colour?) The red angora has already been knit up, but may I present the white.

I have no idea what brand or any of that info, but I'm guessing this is all angora. The balls were tiny and it's VERY fuzzy. So much so that I had trouble taking pictures of the finished objects made of the red.

I thought I'd add this for a bit of history. I found the receipt in a bag of yarn that was gifted to me by a friend of my mom. Yes, it's from Gimbels, from 1980. I now have yarn in my stash that's almost as old as I am!