Long Two Weeks
Anyone still out there??? I know I've been ignoring the blog, using the easy posting lure that is facebook. However, I now have two weeks worth of yarn and touristy stuff to share and facebook just isn't going to cut it for me.
While we're waiting.. I'll leave you with pictures of a major milestone in my life.. and yes mom, the speed limit was 65.

What would you like to see/hear first?
1. Rhinebeck (with Friday night dinner) - not a very pic heavy post
2. Post Rhinebeck DC visit
3. Driving back to Cincinnati from DC - forgot to take a lot of pics
4. Overview of the Rhinebeck haul (yarn pr0n shots will come later)
While we're waiting.. I'll leave you with pictures of a major milestone in my life.. and yes mom, the speed limit was 65.
My 2000 Honda Civic hit 100,000 miles on this trip!
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