Monday, December 24, 2007

In which I wake up on the floor...

I've been having trouble sleeping lately. I have one of those brains that does NOT like to quiet down at night. So every night, I lay down and not having anything to focus on, start thinking about all the crap I have to do with school and stuff like that. NOT conducive to sleeping, at all. As a kid, I would listen to music to put myself to sleep. I thought I'd give that a try, but having no CD player, no headphones and only my computer to play music on.. well, I needed a little help.

Today I gave in, finally, and bought an iPod. A little 4 GB nano, that now has 1 GB of music on it, and well, that's my whole iTunes collection. And yes, it helped me get to sleep tonight.

But you want to know how I ended up waking up on the floor...

Seems even though my kitties are declawed in front, they still have enough claws left to do damage. See.. I sleep on an aero bed. It just hasn't made sense to buy a real mattress since I got back east. I've just been moving around too much. So tonight, when I went to go to bed, I noticed the bed was a bit soft. I inflated it and heard a soft hissing. There are two, rather small, holes in the top of my bed (apparently, the sheet came off a corner, hence the claw's access to the mattress). Now, I've owned two aerobeds and more therma-rests than I can remember, but do you think I could find a patch kit? NOPE!!! I tore this place apart looking for one. Fine, out comes the duct tape. Nice piece over the holes, inflate the bed, try to sleep.

Hrm.. the bed feels soft again.. Okay.. two more pieces of duct tape and some super glue (the bed has this velvet texture top, and the tape wasn't sticking). Re-inflate the bed... seems to be holding, turn on the new iPod and go to sleep. Fast foward to 4am... yeah, the bed deflated and I'm on the floor (sigh). Out to the couch, only to realize I'm now wide awake.

So, here's to the fact that they (okay, probably Seasa) did this last night and not tonight. Thankfully, there is an EMS down by campus and they should have something to patch this damn bed with.

I love my cats.