Saturday, August 02, 2008

It's been an interesting week...

This has been an interesting week for me. 

I got on the wrong bus, and then got totally lost getting off the trolley trying to get to a clinical site.

My car was making a racket, $850 later, I have a new muffler, new exhaust system, and my tires where rotated and balanced.

Yeah, they balanced them real well.  Driving on the turnpike on Friday, the steering wheel was vibrating so badly my hands went numb.

I didn't get the job in CT.  This was not a surprise for me.  

On the plus side of the week:

The baby booties I need for Wednesday are almost done.  I just need buttons.

I had a wonderful dinner on Wednesday night with my friends.  

The new and interesting litter box arrived, though so far the kitties don't seem too interested.