Saturday, February 13, 2010

Welcome Home!

Now, this is the way to be welcomed home. I recognized the address on the package, so I knew this one was from my knitty SP. Thanks Kate!

Open it up... (and I had to use a sharp knife, it was taped REALLY well)

Take off the tissue paper. Now.. I almost stopped here. While most knitters seem to have a basic ability to use a sewing machine, I'm not one of them. I look at a sewing machine and it breaks into a million pieces. I _LOVE_ getting hand sewn (or machine sewn as the case may be) projects. (I did take a pic of me with my jaw dropped, but I've been traveling today and it was just too scary to share)

Goodies that were inside the bag. I need to look up the sugar free peeps. I may actually be able to eat these as they weren't made with nutrasweet or splenda as far as I can tell.

iPhone bag pr0n
MMM.. hot chocolate.

Next bag. I actually resisted looking for the yarn in this package. I was so taken with the wrapping "paper".

Both bags together. See how they fold over on the top to show off the lining. I may hand sew that part down so I can put in a drawstring. I'm afraid if I leave them open, I'll find half a cat in it (whole cat wouldn't fit.. yes, I have a fat cat)

Oh wait... this was a knitty swap, so YARN :)

Now, I'm not sure how Kate knew I had just pulled out a skein of Barefoot to make socks with. I may have to substitute this one, the colors are great!
Yarn pr0n via iPhone. CTH superwash worsted merino. This one might have to be mittens, imagine these colors with my orange coat!

By now, I'm totally in shock and completely awed at my box's contents. Did I even think to look for a card? Nope. But as I went to hide the box from the cats (they like the tape), out dropped an envelope with this in it. Hey Kate, did you make the card too????

Thank you Kate, this was a WONDERFUL way to be welcomed home.