Monday, April 06, 2009

Button Collecting

Some people collect campaign buttons... I collect thrift shop buttons.  I've been treating myself to a weekly trip to the thrift shop.. usually on Monday when everything is on sale.  So far, I've built up quite a new button collection.

The neutrals... though the round blue ones could be considered boy.

His... I never realized how hard it is to find buttons that aren't floral.

Oh yeah... flowers.  I hope the gals at work are having girls.  For some reason, a lot of the sweaters here only had four buttons, so I guess I'm making a lot of slippers.

More her's.  The ones in the back are shiny red hearts, the ones in the middle are brass colored hearts with a flower design on them.

On the house front.  I'm meeting the home inspector tomorrow to take a more in depth tour of the house.  Cross your fingers it all goes well.

On the job front.  My license is now pending, so I figure it should be a week or two till I'm officially an Advance Practice Nurse in Ohio.