Sunday, June 07, 2009

Why I don't see more movies

$17... that's what it cost for me to go to the movie (and I caught an early price one), get a medium popcorn and a medium drink.  That's insane.

But... I wanted to see Star Trek before it left the theater.  As someone who spent most of high school and college deeply involved in the Star Trek fan world, I just had to see it.  I had heard that it broke canon (and boy did it.. but they managed to do it with an explanation) and I wasn't sure I'd like it.  Well... I did enjoy it.  It's not one I'd go see twice in the theater but it was worth the $17 afternoon.

Here's my question... are they setting us up for something?  Now that they've basically changed the whole universe is this going to end up being a series of movies or even a TV show?  Anyone know?